Exam Dates and Fees

Application and Examination Dates along with locations and fees are listed below:

Application and Examination Deadline Location Fees
 Application Submission (for candidates immediately out of residency) July 10 - August 16 Online $650
Part II (Oral) Exam
June 7-8, 2024 In-person in Dallas, TX TBD
Part I (Written) Exam December 9-13, 2024 Pearson Testing Centers TBD

Applications for certification that are received after the deadline will not be accepted. Applications that are incomplete, for any reason, will not be accepted and will be deferred to next year's certification cycle. Candidates who do not appear for their scheduled examination (Part I or Part II) or who cancel less than 6 weeks prior to either examination may forfeit their examination fee.

The Board is a non-profit corporation, and the fees from candidates are used solely to defray actual expenses incurred in conducting examinations and carrying out the business of the Board. The Directors of the Board serve without remuneration.