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Continuing Certification
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Board News

New ABTS policy on Continuing Certification (formerly known as Maintenance of Certification-MOC) 

Prior to 2024 ABTS MOC policy was to have a 5 year MOC renewal with verification of relevant practice documents, CME and a secure exam based upon the SESATS format. The exam format was 100 multiple choice questions that were tailored to the practice of the thoracic surgeon (ie; if the surgeon only did general thoracic they received only general thoracic questions). The format was the question was to be answered, then a critique would be viewed, then the surgeon would be asked to answer the question again after the critique review. This format is an excellent example of modern adult education. This format was well received by our diplomates. In 2023 the ABMS-the American Board of Medical Specialties voted to tighten the rules regarding MOC and mandated that the most a Board could certify their Diplomates was up to 5 years, renaming the policy Continuous Certification. The start date was January 1, 2024. They encouraged Boards to recertify their Diplomates much more frequently (for example the ABS policy is recertification every 2 years). The ABTS decided with the scrutiny thoracic surgeons receive in their hospitals with essentially all inpatient procedures with morbidity and mortality conferences that the maximal 5 year recertification for Continuous Certification would be appropriate. Thus surgeons MUST certify at their 5 year mark to be labeled as certified and participating in Continuous Certification on the ABTS and ABMS websites. Please CLICK HERE  or the CC (MOC) button above to learn more about the new CC process.
SESATS 13 is no longer available for purchase.  It will sundown on June 30, 2024. All access to SESATS will cease to exist on June 30, 2024.

ABTS and ACCME Collaboration on CME Reporting in PARS
The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the ABTS are please to announce its collaboration to streamline physicians CME reporting requirements for Continuing Certification. Starting in November 2023, all accredited CME providers in the ACCME system are welcome to register CME activities that meet ABTS Continuing Certification requirements and to submit learner completion data in the Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS).  Physicians can now browse activities registered for ABTS Continuing Certification credit in the CME Passport, an online CME search tool. The ABTS joins nine other ABMS member boards who have transition to PARS for Continuing Certification.  This collaboration should minimize the amount of time Diplomates spend on CME record-keeping for Continuing Certification.

CME Finder
Diplomates can now search for thoracic surgery specific CMEs on the ACCME at:


 To Visit the ABTS Portal


Reminder: Diplomates and candidates are responsible for keeping
their mail and email addresses up-to-date on the ABTS portal.

Upcoming Deadlines
 Primary Thoracic Continuing Certification     
Application Process   July 29 - September 8
Continuing Certification Examination   September 30 - November 11
Congenital Continuing Certification     
Application Process   July 29 - September 8
Continuing Certification Examination   September 30 - November 11
Primary Thoracic Initial Certification    
Application Available   July 10 - August 16
Part II (Oral) Examination   June 7 - 8 in Dallas, TX
Part I (Written) Exam   December 9 - 13
Congenital Initial Certification   
Application Available   July 10 - August 16
Part II (Oral) Examination   June 7 in Dallas, TX
Part I (Written) Examination   December 9 - 13
Alternate Pathway  
Application Available   Mid-July
Part I (Written) Exam   December 9 - 13